I bought Kylie Minogue's X album, I think the last week of october...
Then... I WENT TO KYLIE'S TOUR!! On November 4th :D It was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! She totally rocked! and since then, I've been so hooked with her (specially with Speakerphone)
A week later, I was walking in a mall and I saw the Special Mexican Edition of Kylie's X, which had 6 bonus tracks! (3 unreleased songs and 3 remixes), so what the hell, I bought it xD
Well, let's see, oh and I bought J.Lo's Brave album, a week ago I think. Ah, and that day I saw Kylie's Body Language but I didn't buy it because I was thinking in buying the US Edition from Amazon. But then, I realize that I hadn't much money available in the card for online shopping, so today I went to the store again and decided to buy it! It was cheap, though.
That's it! So see ya later!